Teacher Appreciation Week Breakfast at Burke

The first week of May was Teacher Appreciation Week for the Charleston County School District and Doors to Dream was lucky enough to be asked to help show our teachers some love! To do our part in loving on those who care for, educate, and love on our students, we provided a spread of Panera bagels and coffee for all Burke teachers and staff. While it is a small gesture, we hope that it gave a smile to those who work so hard for our students’ futures.


Teacher Appreciation Week is a wonderful time of the year, but it is imperative that we appreciate our teachers every day. The amount of behind the scenes work that they do to ensure that students get the best education possible is unmatched and unknown to many. From the late nights grading to the countless hours individualizing lesson plans for all levels, there are many things that they do that are not seen. Even though Teacher Appreciation Week comes around every May, make an effort to show our teachers the love they deserve!

Doors to Dream