We won the Legacy Award at Public Service Pitch Day!

At Public Service Pitch Day, our students presented to a panel of judges from all over South Carolina on our Pink House Playhouse Project that we completed in November. In doing so, we spoke on the impact of our service, why we chose that particular project, what we learned, and much more to compete against eight other schools in the state for a myriad of awards. Even while battling some nerves beforehand and last minute practice, Malaysia, Kalaya, Antwann, Renee-Sheia, and Kitana absolutely knocked it out of the park and because of their efforts, we were awarded a Gold Banner for our work.

While the Gold Banner was nice, we were really aiming for one of the four awards and even though it was our very first time participating in PSPD, the judges awarded us the Legacy Award! The panel of judges were impressed by our project’s ability to not only impact the children at the Pink House today and tomorrow but the impact it will have on years of children who call the Pink House a second home. The long-lasting impact, the legacy, of our project earned our students a prestigious and much-deserved award.

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Doors to Dream