ABC Channel 4 News Highlight

We, at Doors to Dream, are proud partners with the national organization Students in Action and we are proud to be doing good simply for good’s sake. Dean Stephens at ABC Channel 4 News is a media partner of Students in Action and he caught wind of all of our students and the amazing projects they have been doing. He reached out and asked to do a segment on Burke High School and the students with Doors to Dream! He came to Burke and six of our students had the opportunity to be filmed and interviewed by Dean and ABC News. They were asked about why service is important to them, their favorite project this year, and why we should do service to those who need it in our community. It was an amazing experience for the students - once they got over the initial nerves - to speak their truths and to have the confidence to speak in front of a camera for all of the Lowcountry to see!

We also got a little dancing in afterwards!

Doors to Dream