Back to School Campaign is DONE!

Our campaign to raise money for our students to go back to school full prepared with school supplies was a MASSIVE success. We were able to send every student we work with with all of the pens, pencils, headphones, notebooks, planners, sharpies, highlighters, you name it that they needed. All in all and through all platforms we raised over $2,500 for supplies - an amount that allows us to not only get students stocked for the beginning of the year but will allow us to continue to stock them throughout the year.

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For that, thank you! Your support has a significant impact on students right here in Charleston and helped further the relationship between our organization and Burke High School!! We want to give a special shoutout to those who donated to our JustGiving page and to the dental students involved with South Carolina ASDA who generously gave to our campaign in a BIG way!

Doors to Dream