Doors to Dream's Back to School Campaign

It’s obvious that when the 2020 school year begins in three weeks, it will be anything but normal. The amount of uncertainty and lack of answers has caused stress and anxiety on whether or not students should go back or remain virtual and what either will look like. The students at Title I schools not only grapple with that stress, but are forced to worry about financial pressures and other factors outside of what higher-income students can dream.

In order to support our students so that they can go into the school year confident, we are raising money to buy the essential school supplies that students need in order to feel successful. The average parent spends $117 per student on supplies - a figure that does not account for clothes, technology, or any other expense that comes with sending a student to school. Although it may seem small, taking care of that $117 expense for families can make a significant difference.

Consider donating to our campaign or ordering from our Amazing Wishlist and make a difference in a student’s start back to school - however it may look.

Doors to Dream