The Pink House Playhouse Build

This past Saturday, a group of students at Burke High School and community partners including Mayor and Mrs. Tecklenburg, members of the Rotary, and friends from the neighborhood came together at the Pink House to build a playhouse. The Pink House is a community center in West Ashley that serves as a food distribution site, an after school program for the children in the community, and overall place for those who need help to go to in the neighborhood.


The playhouse went up without a hitch thanks to the oversight of Doors to Dream co-founder Hope Caldwell and the neighborhood children painted the shutters and window boxes to add a little pizzaz to the house. The children also painted terracotta pots with their own specialized designs to add some flowers to the Pink House!

We even had a press conference during which the Mayor, co-founder Carey Dunn, Director of Development Sam Clements, and Burke student Renee-Sheia G got to address the media and inform them of how amazing the Pink House is! Check out the Live5 news article here and a replay of the press conference from the Mayor’s Facebook page here.

Thanks to everyone who came out and offered their support!

Doors to Dream