YOU nice does that sound?

I feel like we’re off to a hot start of having to warn people ahead of time but here’s another one – this might get a little sappy. So just a heads up.



Alright, let’s get to it. So this is something that I think I grew up with hearing a lot, which is a huge testament to my amazing parents first and foremost but also my friends, teachers, coaches, siblings, etc. And it’s really transformational to hear early and often and it really creeps into your mentals and becomes who you are – it’s something that’s engrained and constant in my brain and one of the reasons why I am who I am at almost 27 years old. And I think I’m a happier and better person because of it. So thanks and cheers to those who helped me along the way.

I know that being able to say all that is incredibly privileged – consider it recognized – because I think there’s a lot of people nowadays who either were never told this or potentially forgot that it’s true. A lot of the problems people have are because they don’t think they’re important or that they matter or that, like is says above there, that the world is better because they’re in it. I think a lot of the students that we work with at the lower-income schools don’t feel like that. They’ve been passed along from grade to grade regardless of their mastery and attend schools that receive fewer resources than other schools – that sure as heck doesn’t feel like the sentiment in the picture above. There’s people who struggle with bullying and are constantly told that their thoughts and opinions don’t matter. Imagine living your life like that? Thinking that you don’t matter. And I think there are more people out there that feel that way. The homeless dude on the side of the street who has just had a rough go of it – he gets stepped over and judged like he doesn’t matter every single day. But he does matter! And that student whose teacher calls him dumb or the woman who gets passed over for the promotion because she’s not a man or the smaller teenager who gets bullied. They all matter but so often they’re told that they don’t. They’re not reminded that the world is a better place because they’re in it.

Truly sit for a second and think about how that must feel. Really sit with it and put yourself in that person’s shoes.

I don’t know about you, but dang does that break my heart when you think about it enough.

Everyone has an impact regardless of its size. And that impact all matters. The world is a well-oiled machine that requires all of its cogs and gears to work – both big and small and the weirdly-shaped or whatever!

I know that I’m not totally in line with the picture above right now and a little off-kilter, but I without a doubt agree with it. You should hang out with people who remind you that you’re important. One hundred percent. It will boost your confidence times a million and then lets you in turn go make your own change in the world.

But I want to take it one step farther. You can very easily be the person that reminds others that they’re important. You can be the random guy, the sibling, the friend who tells people and shows people that the world is a better place simply because they’re there. You can be the person people want to hang around because of the joy and positivity and good vibes you bring and because of the way you make people feel about themselves. Like past “Weekend Thoughts,” I will reiterate how easy and free it is to do this. You can wake up every day and make the decision to be this person for others. It’s not something you have to buy or go out of your way to do and it’s sure as heck not something you can post on Instagram afterwards. It’s just something you have to be and remind yourself of – it’s just an attitude. You may not get likes for it and you may not reap monetary rewards but holy smokes is it transformational for people, including you.

Remind others that they’re important and that they matter and that the world is a better place simply because they are there and in it. Go out of your way and make an effort for a week. Take it for a test drive and see how it feels or changes how you operate. Then you can decide if it’s for you. I bet it sticks though.

Oh and also, YOU matter. The world is better because YOU are in it. And YOU are making a positive effect on this place we call home. Don’t forget it.

Doors to Dream