Midterm Care Packages for our College Students

Midterms can be a stressful time for any college student, let alone who is going through the process for the first time like our students. They’re in a new place, experiencing a brand new world, and getting challenged on both a social and academic perspective. As midterms quickly approach and our students at Howard, USC-Upstate, and others begin the ritual of hunkering down in the library, we are wanting to provide a spark of joy, a smile, and a connection to home. We are providing each of our students with a care package of the essentials, think Ramen noodles & air fresheners, and the joyfuls, think stress balls & Sour Patch Kids.

Our hope is that this small gesture will help our brand new college students get through the first true stressful time of their college career and come out on the other side with their best effort and their mentals to be running at a high speed.

Help us help them! All it takes is a small gift from our Amazon wishlist. It could be helping buy three stress balls for $6 or purchasing the always-needed coffee mugs for $60 - whatever is in your wheelhouse. We, and our freshmen, thank you in advance for all of your support!

To help, go to tinyurl.com/dtd-wishlist

Help us boost our students during midterms!.png
Doors to Dream