Survive and Serve First Annual Winners!

This summer, we have had the privilege of working with students at the Kids on Point Summer Camp. They have participated in the first annual Survive and Serve Competition as they were grouped into teams and each planning a social impact project that gives back to the community in a meaningful way. The competition was intense as all of the projects were simply amazing, thoughtful, and impactful. After presenting in front of a panel of judges comprising of leaders in the community, we officially have declared a winner.

Trinitee, Precious, and Ja’Auanna have created a project that will provide children in the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital a day where they can live a normal day and paint what makes them happy and make some slime. After doing days of research on the effect of being in the hospital and particularly during the year riddled by Covid, our students wanted the kids to have a day where they could relax, be kids, and have some fun. To do that, our students originally wanted to have a live Zoom session with the patients - but due to external circumstances were unable to do it. No problem, they pivoted. Our students then recorded YouTube videos that explain what the process is and to share something about themselves while encouraging the children in the hospital to do the same back! We’re so excited to get to share a moment with some patients in what is a stressful time and a hard year for many of them.

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Doors to Dream